

Cosmetic electrotherapy is a range of beauty treatments that uses low electric currents passed through the skin to produce several therapeutic effects, such as muscle toning in the body,and micro-lifting of the face. It is based on electrotherapy which has been researched and accepted in the field of rehabilitation.

Frequency Specific Micro current


A good sign in the development of any field is the rise of radical and innovative solutions to conventional problems. The medical field is no exception. There are alternative medicines options available for patients to consider that follow a different rationale. One such alternative treatment method is frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) treatment. This therapeutic technique has been evolving over the past many decades. Today it has more than just academic value. It has been perfected as a therapeutic technique for reducing pain and curing many diseases.

This article is designed to provide you with an introduction to this treatment technique. Let us see what microcurrent therapy is.

The basic idea behind this therapy is the following: Every one of our body tissues, including every cell, generates an electric current as well as radiates energy at certain frequencies. This pattern is related to the vibration frequencies of electrons that revolve around the atoms that make up body tissues. These electric currents generated by the human body are of the order of microamperes (a microampere is a millionth of an Ampere).
A specific body tissue has a particular frequency pattern associated with it that changes when any malady affects it. People practicing frequency microcurrent therapy believe that by modifying the associated frequency of a tissue, its condition can be improved. Thereby, pain associated with certain tissues can be eradicated by using this therapy. It is extensively used as a physical therapy technique.


Benefits: By outputting simulated human bio-current, any gel or serum can go through the skin into the muscle cells, stimulating energy ATP contained inside the cell, which enables the cell to regain normal operation and function. The computer program applies the latest technology that helps shape the skin, including facial sharpening, double chins, wrinkles, crow’s-feet, pouches, black eyes, etc. This boosts facial blood circulation and metastasis, reducing facial splash and pore constriction. This natural process will tighten and refine the facial skin into good condition.


1. Wrinkle reduction-Face: Firming facial muscles, reducing facial wrinkles, regaining elasticity of muscle and sharpening the ligaments.
2. Wrinkle reduction-Neck: Improving muscle elasticity, tightening skin, reducing wrinkles on the neck, relieving muscle drooping, illuminating the skin on the neck.
3. Breast boosting: Firming and increase elasticity to create a boosting effect.

4. Facial shaping: Firming and shaping the face, trimming the chin, and sharpening the frontal bone to create a desirable line.
5. Trimming jaw and double layer Chin: Firming and shaping the jaw, trimming the double chin, recreating an oval chin.
6. Shaping frontal bone and tightening the cheek: Exercising facial muscles, firming the cheek, trimming frontal bone, relieving fine wrinkles and enhancing the line.

7. Eye care: Exercising and firming the eye muscles, improving muscle elasticity, reducing wrinkle and pouches, relieving eye weariness and lightening dark circles under the eye.
8. Dark Circles under the eye: Smothering eye adenoid circulation, absorbing excess water, and relieving fatigue.
9. Waste removal: Reinforcing blood and adenoid circulation, dredging adenoid, retrieving sanguine skin.

 The working principle of the Rejuvenation is based on the effects of impulse galvanic current and the special effects of low-frequency currents, Pico, Nano and Micro Amp.

The main effects of magical gloves in conjunction with the rejuvenation Pluton Electronic are:

 Magic gloves increase blood circulation in skin tissue, solving the problem of “tough skin”.

 Magic gloves enhance the removal of dead keratin layer from the surface of the skin, performing a gentle exfoliation.

 Magic gloves accelerate the expulsion of harmful products in the skin tissue.

 Magic gloves increase the ability to absorb nutrients in the skin.

Magic gloves shrink enlarged pores and give the skin elasticity, tightening and removing traces of aging.





Electrothrerapy Magic Glaves

Electrothrerapy Magic Glaves


By outputting simulated human bio-current, any gel or serum can go through the skin into the muscle cells, stimulating energy ATP contained inside the cell, which enables the cell to regain normal operation and function.
The working principle of the Rejuvenation is based on the effects of impulse galvanic current and the special effects of low-frequency currents, Pico, Nano and Micro Amp.

magic gloves hands treatment

magic gloves hands treatment
Magic gloves increase blood circulation in skin tissue, solving the problem of “tough skin”. Magic gloves enhance the removal of dead keratin layer from the surface of the skin, performing a gentle exfoliation. Magic gloves accelerate the expulsion of harmful products in the skin tissue. Magic gloves increase the ability to absorb nutrients in the skin.Magic gloves shrink enlarged pores and give the skin elasticity, tightening and removing traces of aging.